
At Serenity Knolls, we are fully committed to helping the individuals we treat both reach and exceed their recovery goals. In fact, nothing pleases us more than to hear about how our former residents are living lives that they never thought were possible had they not received care at our center.

Therefore, in order to supply former residents with the continued support they need after completing programming with us, and so that we can remain connected to the men and women who have found recovery success with us, Serenity Knolls is pleased to offer services for our alumni.

Individuals who complete 30 days of treatment at our center are welcome to partake in weekly aftercare meetings that are held at two off-site locations. Each Tuesday night we offer meetings at our San Geronimo, California location, and each Wednesday night at our San Francisco, California location. These meetings are open to all Serenity Knolls alumni for the rest of their lives. Additionally, and so as to eliminate financial concerns as a barrier to engaging in these meetings, we are pleased to offer them at no cost.

For the first three gatherings held each month, alumni participate in meetings that are centered on a particular topic or focused discussion that is in one way or another about the recovery journey. Depending on the individuals in attendance, the subject matter discussed can vary and is often catered to the needs and initiatives of the men and women who come to lend their ears and voices to this forum. Examples of the topics and subjects of discussion can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Relapse prevention
  • Establishing and maintaining support
  • Coping skills
  • Emotion regulation
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Formulating goals for the future

Additionally, and as a means of acclimating individuals who are ready to be discharged from our program, we, at Serenity Knolls, can transport current residents to alumni meetings so that they can get a feel for what our alumni services entail. Exposure to our alumni services typically occurs approximately two weeks prior to a resident’s discharge, which can be helpful for instilling optimism for a sober future for all who are actively engaged in our treatment.

Additionally, and for the fourth meeting of the month, alumni are invited to attend a chip meeting in which they can receive a chip for varying lengths of sobriety and celebrate their recovery success thus far. Friends, family members, and other loved ones are also welcome to attend this meeting, as we believe that the inclusion of people who are meaningful to our alumni helps to foster a stronger support network for individuals that can benefit them in the long-term.

In choosing Serenity Knolls as the place to begin one’s healthier, sober life, you or someone you care about will become part of our dynamic community of individuals that is dedicated to supplying support, remaining connected, and continuing recovery success for a lifetime. Therefore, if you or your loved one is interested in our programming and beneficial alumni and aftercare services, do not let another day go by without giving us a call. We are confident that we can help you or an important person in your life achieve sobriety and go on to live a truly recovered existence once and for all.

I appreciate the respect and compassion each staff member shows us. I am often emotionally fragile at the zooms, and the encouragement we all receive is priceless.

– Former Resident
CARF Accredited
This accreditation is an official recognition of Serenity Knolls' dedication to providing addiction treatment that exceeds the standards and best practices of quality care.
  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)